Sr. Germaine Hustedde, PHJC

Sr. Germaine currently lives in Donaldson, Indiana. Her religious commitment has taken her to four continents and involved her in such ministry as child care, teaching at every level through primary, secondary, and college, retreat and counseling ministry, congregational administrative assignments in Germany, and missionary endeavors both in India and Africa. Sr. Germaine holds an MA in education administration from Loyola University, Chicago; a masters in spirituality and religion from Duquesne University, Pittsburgh; and a doctor of ministry degree from the Graduate Theological Foundation.
Sr. Germaineās approach to spiritual direction is to assist the directee to explore how God is inviting them to grow spiritually, even in the midst of daily struggles, thus learning to appreciate the amazing grace of God in all that we are and on behalf of the transformation of our deepest self.
To learn more about spiritual direction and/or to inquire about a spiritual director, please email us at or call us at (574) 935 1706.