Living into the Truth of God’s Abundant Love: A Contemplative Retreat

November 4-6, 2022Single
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November 4-6, 2022

Our view of God is critical to living a flourishing life. Unfortunately, we have learned distorted views of the divine, undermining our trust and love in our heavenly Father. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and participation in guided meditation, prayer, silence, solitude, journaling, and writing a Beloved Charter, retreatants will begin to shift their view of God to one which is more benevolent, loving, and life-giving.
Optional spiritual direction sessions will also be offered. Register early. This retreat is limited to 15 people.
Roger Parks, Psy.D., is an online instructor for Colorado Christian University where he teaches classes in spiritual formation to graduate counseling students.
He also teaches spiritual formation to small groups at his local church, First United Methodist, Crown Point, IN. Roger is currently enrolled in the Lindenwood Spiritual Companioning Program and plans to offer both individual and group spiritual direction upon completion of the program.

Single-Room - $285
Double Room - $245 (please include name of roommate)
Check-in Friday at 4 p.m. and depart Sunday at noon.

Need tuition assistance? Apply for the Gift of the Spirit Scholarship.

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