Dying & Rising from false self to true self

SKU March 17 - 19, 2023
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Dying & Rising from false self to true self

An Invitation to Dying and Rising from false self to true self

Join Peter Pearson during Lent to explore more deeply Thomas Merton’s invitation to let go, like a seed dying, to our false self so
that our true self may rise in Christ. A wonderful deepening opportunity!

Are you looking for an invitation to explore a more meaningful spiritual transformation? Join Peter Pearson, renowned spiritual guide, and retreat leader, as he guides us through a journey of exploring Thomas Merton’s invitation to let go of our false self and embrace our true self in Christ. With this retreat, you are invited to go deeper into your spiritual exploration and practice.

What You Will Experience

The retreat includes four days of spiritual exploration with Peter Pearson who has been leading retreats for over 30 years. He will guide us through Thomas Merton’s invitation to examine closely who we are at the deepest level so that we can reconnect with our true self in Christ. During this retreat, you will be able to reflect on several important topics such as compassion, humility, forgiveness, truthfulness, and courage among many others. In addition to exploring these vital themes together as a group there are also individualized opportunities for growth such as morning meditation practices or afternoon journaling sessions which provide additional time for thoughtful reflection. Plus, all meals provided are cafeteria style so no matter what your dietary needs are they can be easily accommodated!

This Lenten season take some time out for yourself or loved ones to experience something truly extraordinary that could greatly impact your life! Joining Peter Pearson during this special period of prayerful reflection will help you cultivate greater clarity about who you really are at the deepest level so that you can reconnect with your true self in Christ. For only $ 325 dollars per person (which includes room & board), don’t miss out on this wonderful deepening opportunity! Sign up now!

March 17th at 1pm to March 19th until 4pm

Cost: $325 includes
retreat, meals, & room

Cost for commuters: $188

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