Summer Silent Retreat

June 9-15, 2024
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Product Details

Dates: June 9th- 4:00pm- June 15th 1:30 pm

Price: $375 for 3 days, $500 4 days, $575 5 days, $650 6 days

What is a Silent Directed Retreat? A silent directed retreat is where you engage in extended periods of silence and contemplation while receiving guidance from a certified spiritual director.

Why Participate in a Silent Directed Retreat? When you immerse yourself in the embrace of silence, you unlock the gateway to a profound inner experience. It's a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth like no other.

Why Choose Lindenwood?

Nature's Sanctuary: You can find peace in our tranquil retreat facility nestled in the heart of nature. Our calm surroundings provide the perfect backdrop for your inner exploration.

Experienced Guidance: Our certified spiritual directors are here to support you every step of the way, ensuring your retreat experience is enriching and meaningful.

Who is a Silent Directed Retreat For? Our Silent Directed Retreat is open to individuals of all backgrounds and beliefs who are seeking a sacred space for reflection and growth. It doesn't matter where you come from; it's about where you're headed on your spiritual journey.

When and Where: Choose anywhere between 3-6 days between June 9th - 15th at Lindenwood Retreat and Conference Center.

Reserve Your Peaceful Retreat Today: Spaces are limited, so secure your spot now and discover the transformative power of silence.

Need tuition assistance? Apply for the Gift of the Spirit Scholarship.

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