Enjoy Confidence

December 28, 2023
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Do you ever doubt your abilities or hesitate to speak up, even when you have something important to say? Have you found it difficult to bounce back from setbacks and challenges, feeling like they're taking a toll on your well-being and peace of mind?

In today's rapidly changing world, it's more important than ever to harness the power of self-confidence. Self-confidence can only be attained with a healthy self-esteem, a positive self-view, and courage. Join us and register for the Enjoy Confidence session to obtain strategies to grow in these areas and ensure you walk away with a heightened sense of courage. Your host, Weslee Aristor, will be sharing counseling strategies and biblical encouragement to help you on your journey of enjoying yourself more than ever before!

Need tuition assistance? Apply for the Gift of the Spirit Scholarship.

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