Enjoy Emotional Security

December 21, 2023
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Product Details

Do you ever find yourself feeling frustrated for what seems like an eternity, or trapped in sadness that lingers far too long? Are there bothersome thoughts beyond your control that seem to overwhelm you? Join us on a journey to gain deeper insights into your emotions and discover the keys to finding peace within yourself.

There is both a freedom and security that comes with true understanding. In this virtual session, you will learn of the complexity of our feelings and unravel the mysteries behind them. Did you know that anger often hides beneath the surface as a secondary emotion, and that sadness can have various layers? If you're eager to enhance your emotional awareness, gain a better understanding of your triggers, and bring more tranquility into your daily life by understanding what your emotions are telling you on a deeper level then register for Enjoy Emotional Security!

Your host, Weslee Aristor will be sharing counseling strategies with biblical encouragement to help you leave not only with a heightened emotional intelligence but also with the satisfaction of taking the step to further Enjoy You more than before.

Need tuition assistance? Apply for the Gift of the Spirit Scholarship.

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